Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Alphabetical Index: Speaker Index: [Info] La Londe, Danielle. »Gendered Violence and Genre in Ovid's Metamorphoses and George Miller's "Mad Max: Fury Road".« 114th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Albuquerque 2018. [Info] Lacombe, Delphine. »Raison d'Etat, raison de la révolution, raison des hommes: Le cas emblématique de l'affaire nicaraguayenne Zoilamérica Narváez contre Daniel Ortega.« Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009. [Info] Lakhani, Zain. »Bodily Harms: Sexual Violence and Bodily Integrity in America's Global Platform on Human Rights.« 128th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Washington, D.C. 2014. [Info] Lamb, David T. »Still Blaming the Victim? David's Rape of Bathsheba.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston 2017. [Info] Lambert, Tonya. »Puritans' Perceptions of Sexual Aggression.« Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. San Antonio 2002. [Info] Lammasniemi, Laura, et al. »History of Consent Laws.« Talking Research (August 13, 2020). [Info] Landau, Emily E. »Shades of Slavery: The 'White Slavery' Campaign and Historical Amnesia in the New South.« 66th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. Louisville 2000. [Info] Landau, Emily. »Rape, Ruin, and Race: The Sexual Politics of White Slavery in New Orleans, 1890-1920.« 103rd Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Washington, D.C. 2010. [Info] Landau, Emily. »Marketing Miscegenation and Fighting White Slavery: Prostitution and Reform in New Orleans during the Storyville Era, 1897-1917.« Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Milwaukee 2012. [Info] Lansing, Carol. »The Politics of Rape in Medieval Bologna.« 48th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2013. [Info] Larisch, Jakob. »Rape, Revenge, Recht – Rape-&-Revenge-Filme im Kontext strafrechtlicher Verbotspraxis.« Rape and Revenge: Rache-Kulturen und sexualisierte Gewalt in intermedialer Perspektive / Revenge-cultures and sexualized violence in intermedial perspectives. Hamburg 2022. [Info] Larry, Susannah M. »The Voices of Rapists: Re-Reading Lamentations 1:7-9.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston 2017. [Info] Larry, Susannah M. »Victim-Blaming Daughter Zion? Translating "Sin" in Lamentations 1:13-20.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Virtual 2020. [Info] Laseur, Imme. »A Web of Rape: Arachne, Ovid and Sexual Violence in the Metamorphoses.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022. [Info] Lassner, Phyllis. »The Erotics of Terror: Women's Holocaust Fiction.« 4th Annual Meeting of the Space Between Society. Fayetteville 2001. [Info] Lassner, Phyllis. »Erotic Terror in Auschwitz: An American Tale.« 45th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Boston 2013. [Info] Lassner, Phyllis. »Erotic Terror in Auschwitz: An American Tale.« 2014 MLA Annual Convention. Chicago 2014. [Info] Launius, Michael A., et al. »Japan's Denial of "Comfort Women" Chills Recent South Korea and Japan Relations.« World Congress for Korean Politics and Society 2015. Gyeongju 2015. [Info] Lauriola, Rosanna. »The Rape of Lucretia: A Revitalized Episode from Classical Antiquity.« 141st Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Anaheim 2010. [Info] Lauro, Amandine, et al. »Sexual Violence, Female Consent and Colonial Justice in the Belgian Congo (1908-1960).« Historicising Rape. Cardiff 2015. [Info] Lauro, Amandine. »Sexual Violence, Female Consent and Colonial Justice in the Belgian Congo (1908-1960).« 11th European Social Scinece History Conference. Valencia 2016. [Info] Lauro, Amandine, et al. »Historicizing Sexual Violence in Colonial Congo, between Legal and Social History: Rape, Consent and Colonial Courts in the Belgian Congo (1880-1960).« 23rd Annual Forum of the Association of Young Legal Historians. Naples 2017. [Info] Lauzon, Autumn. »Feminist Leanings and the Rejection of Rape Culture in George Lippard’s Blanche of Brandywine.« 28th Annual Conference on American Literature. Boston 2017. [Info] Lawless, Catherine A. »"In my soul I have breasts untouched and unharmed": Sexual Violence, The Female Martyr, and Representation.« Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. San Diego 2013. [Info] Lawlor, Ruth. »"The Circumstances Here are Not Ordinary": Rape and U.S. Military Law in World War II Europe.« 87th Annual Meeting of the Society for Military History. Arlington 2020. [Info] Lawlor, Ruth, chair. »Responding to Rape: Activism, State Power, and the Law.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024. [Info] Lawrence, T. »Asking for it: Scent and Consent in Martial's Epigrams.« The Classical Association Annual Conference. Swansea 2020. [Info] Layne, Jay. »Aether, Psychology, and Sexual Violence: Aether as Medium between Science and the Supernatural in Karl Hans Strobl's "Das Grabmal auf dem Père Lachaise.« Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. Louisville 2011. [Info] Le Gac, Julie. »« Marocchinate »: Du barbarisme à la dénonciation raciale des viols commis en Italie par l'Armée française (1944).« Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à érire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009. [Info] Le Naour, Jean-Yves. »Viols de guerre au premier XXe siècle: Une économie politique et hygiénique.« Les violences sexuelles: approches historiques (XVIe-XXIe siècle) - Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschichtswissenschaft (16.-21. Jahrhundert). Paris 2008. [Info] Leach, Katherine. »The Animality of Man: Rape, Incest, and Procreation in the Mabinogion.« 49th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2014. [Info] Lee, Bernon. »"Upon the Threshold": Perceptions of (Asian-American) Identity between Judges 19 and Exodus 11-12.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Baltimore 2013. [Info] Lee, Hunmi. »Witnessing and Memory Activism in "Comfort Women" Documentaries.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Boston 2020. [Info] Lee, Jude. »Beyond "Comfort Women": Military Camptowns in South Korea.« The "Comfort Women" and Contemporary Forms of Sexual Violence Against Women. Vancouver 2014. [Info] Lee, Na-Young. »Postcolonial Subjects of Japanese Military 'Comfort Women': Reconstructing Identities, Shifting Boundaries.« Lecture / University of Southern California. Los Angeles 2013. [Info] Lee, Na-Young. »Japanese Military 'Comfort Women': Reconstructing Identities, Shifting Boundaries.« XVIII ISA World Congress of Sociology. Yokohama 2014. [Info] Lee, Na-Young. »Post / Colonial Presence of Japanese Military »Comfort Women«.« »Against Our Will«-Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015. [Info] Lee, Patricia-Ann. »A Case of Rape: The Castlehaven Matter, 1631.« Sixteenth Century Studies Conference. St. Louis 1993. [Info] LeFlouria, Talitha. »"Under the Sting of the Lash": Gendered Violence, Terror, and Resistance in the South's Convict Camps, 1865-1920.« 79th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. St. Louis 2013. [Info] Legal-Miller, Althea. »You Just Can't Imagine What They Did To Her: Black Girl Activists and Jailhouse Sexualized Violence.« Lecture / King's College London. London 2009. [Info] Legal-Miller, Althea. »The Unmentionable Ugliness of the Jailhouse: Black Girl Protesters, Sexualized Violence, and the Leesburg Stockade Imprisonment of 1963.« 44th Annual Meeting of the Oral History Association. Atlanta 2010. [Info] Legal-Miller, Althea. »Dorothy Height and Women's Civil Rights Mobilization against Jailhouse Abuses.« 41st Annual Meeting of the National Conference of Black Political Scientists. Atlanta 2010. [Info] Legal-Miller, Althea. »'Not the kind of thing you usually hear': Dorothy Height and Women's Mobilization against Political Sexual Violence.« Lecture / Brunel University. London 2012. [Info] Legal-Miller, Althea. »"I Didn't Think Rape": Gendered Expectations and Memories of the Leesburg Stockade Jail-in, 1963.« Lecture / University of London. London 2012. [Info] Legal-Miller, Althea. »"Mistreated and Molested": Jailhouse Violence and the Civil Rights Movement.« Lecture / University of London. London 2013. [Info] Legal-Miller, Althea. »Sexualized Violence and the American Black Freedom Movement.« Lecture / London Metropolitan University. London 2013. [Info] Leiby, Michele. »Patterns of Sexual Violence in Peru: Evidence from the Archives of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.« Lecture / Yale University. New Haven 2007. [Info] Leiby, Michele. »Los Patrones de la Violencia Política y la Violencia Sexual Durante el Conflicto Interno en el Perù.« Lecture / Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima 2007. [Info] Leiby, Michele. »Principals, Agents and Wartime Sexual Violence: An Analysis of Variation in Peru, 1980-2002.« Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Washington, D.C. 2010. [Info] Leiby, Michele. »When Soldiers Don't Rape: An Examination of the Absence of Wartime Sexual Violence in El Salvador, 1978-1992.« Lecture / Peace Research Institute. Oslo 2010. [Info] Leiby, Michele. »Wartime Sexual Violence in Peru: An Analysis of Sub-national Variation and Changes in State Counterinsurgency Strategies.« Annual Convention of the International Studies Association. Montreal 2011. [Info] Leiby, Michele. »Bad Apples or Bad Leaders: Explaining State Repression and Wartime Sexual Violence in El Salvador.« Annual Convention of the International Studies Association. San Diego 2012. [Info] Leiby, Michele. »Bad Apples or Bad Leaders: Explaining State Violence in El Salvador.« Lecture / University of Colorado. Boulder 2013. [Info] Leiby, Michele. »The Multiple 'Truths' on Wartime Sexual Violence in Peru.« XXXI International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Washington, D.C. 2013. [Info] Leiby, Michele. »Wartime Sexual Violence in Peru: An Analysis of Subnational Variation.« Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association. Chicago 2013. [Info] Leigh, Matthew. »The Rape Plot from Comedy to Declamation.« The Classical Association Annual Conference. Bristol 2015. [Info] LeJacq, Seth. »Sexual Crime, Bodily Knowledge, and Vernacular Sexual Forensics in Early Modern Britain.« North American Conference on British Studies Annual Meeting. Denver 2017. [Info] LeJacq, Seth. »Sexual Forensics before Forensics: Investigating Sexual Crime in Early Modern Britain.« Annual Meeting of the History of Science Society. Toronto 2017. [Info] LeMaster, Michelle. »"[B]utchered after the most barbarous manner": Massacre and Gendered Violence in the Tuscarora War.« Bloody Days: Massacres in Comparative Perspective. Philadelphia 2011. [Info] LeMaster, Michelle. »"Butchered After the Most Barbarous Manner": Massacre and Gendered Violence in the Tuscarora War.« 79th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. St. Louis 2013. [Info] Lentin, Ronit. »(En)Gendering Genocide.« Women's Bodies as Battlefields - Sexual Violence against Women in Wartime. Hamburg 2001. [Info] Leonard, Victoria. »Galla Placidia as 'Human Gold': Consent and Autonomy in the early fifth century west.« Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017. [Info] Leonard, Victoria. »Galla Placidia as 'Human Gold': Consent and Autonomy in the Early 5th-Century Western Mediterranean.« International Medieval Congress. Leeds 2018. [Info] Leonard, Victoria. »Gendering Violence in the Ancient Past.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022. [Info] Lesnick, Daniel. »Sex, Lies and Politics in Renaissance Italy.« 105th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. New York 1990. [Info] Levin, Kate. »Why are we reading this story about rape? Teaching Fantomina at a Women's College.« Aphra Behn Society Conference. Summit 2015. [Info] Levine, Elana. »'We're All Wallowing in Sex': Sex, Violence, and Television Network Competition in the 1970s.« Annual Conferene of the Society for Cinema Studies Conference. Chicago 2000. [Info] Levine, Elana. »From Romance to Rape: Sex, Violence, and Soap Operas in the 1970s.« Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema Studies. Denver 2002. [Info] Levine, Elana. »Doing Soap Opera History: Romance and Rape in the 1970s.« Gender and Genre. Evanston 2007. [Info] Lewin, Jennifer. »"By deep surmise of others' detriment": Character and Mimesis in The Rape of Lucrece.« Annual Meeting of Renaissance Society of America. Chicago 2008. [Info] Li, Huijuan. »Women and Nationalism: Chinese College Students' Protest against the 1946 Rape of Shen Chong.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019. [Info] Li, Lin. »Historical Trauma, National Identity, and Portrayals of Sexually Assaulted Chinese Women in the 1930s and 1940s.« 38th Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. Atlanta 2018. [Info] Li, Lin. »The Invisible Disabled Women: Japan's Wartime Sexual Violence and Postwar Japanese and Chinese Representations of Disability.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Denver 2019. [Info] Li, Lin. »Rethinking the Resistance-Agency-Humanity Triangle: Trauma and Rehabilitation in the Aftermath of Japan's Wartime Sexual Violence.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019. [Info] Li, Lin. »Curating Japanese Wartime Sexual Violence: Feminist Museums across East Asia.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Boston 2020. [Info] Li, Lin. »Curating Japanese Military Sexual Slavery: Feminist Museums across East Asia.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Virtual, 2021. [Info] Lightfoot, Natasha J. »"Insisting upon Her Being Free": Plassy Lawrence's Unstable Claim to Liberty.« 134th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. New York 2020. [Info] Lightman, Sarah. »MEGILLAT Esther Levy in Miriam Katin’s WE ARE ON OUR OWN.« 50th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Boston 2018. [Info] Lillie, Celene. »The Rape of Eve.« Westar National Meeting. Santa Rosa 2017. [Info] Lillie, Celene. »The Rape of Eve: The Transformation of Roman Ideology In Three Early Christian Retellings of Genesis.« Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Religion. Boston 2017. [Info] Lilly, Robert. »Sexual Violence by US Soldiers during WW II.« »Against Our Will«-Forty Years After: Exploring the Field of Sexual Violence in Armed Conflict. Hamburg 2015. [Info] Lim, Hyesong. »Murmurings from Women on the "Red Island": Reckoning with the Memories of Sexual Violence in the Jeju 4.3 Massacres, 1947-1954.« Annual Conference of the Association for Asian Studies. Virtual 2021. [Info] Lin, Yi-Chun T., et al. »San Francisco's "Comfort Women" Memorial: A local and transnational space.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019. [Info] Lindsay, Brendan C., et al. »Murder State: California's Native American Genocide, 1846-1873.« New Books in Native American Studies. New Books Network 2012. [Info] Linnehan, MaryEllen. »Philomela as Crisis: A Cognitive Literary Approach to Trauma and Intertextuality in Chaucer's Troilus and Criseyde.« 31st International Medieval Congress. Leeds 2024. [Info] Linker, Destiney. »The Globalization of Reproductive Justice in Washington, DC: Black Feminist Organizing and the Politics of Race, Rape, and Imprisonment, 1970-1985.« 19th Annual Women's History Conference. Bronxville 2017. [Info] Linn, Ruth, et al. »"I didn't know what he was doing to me?".« Women and the Holocaust. The Sixth International Conference. Givat Haim Ihud 2013. [Info] Lintott, Melanie, et al. »Seeing Red: Examining sexualized violence in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.« The F Word. rabble podcast network 2015. [Info] Lipman, Jana. »Re-thinking the “Big Dan’s Rape Case”: Feminists, Immigrant Advocacy, and the Law Forty Years Later.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024. [Info] Lipsett-Rivera, Sonya. »Configurations within a Pattern of Violence: The Geography of Sexual Danger in Mexico, 1750-1856.« 109th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Chicago 1995. [Info] Lipsett-Rivera, Sonya. »The Scripts of Violence: Symbolism and Language in Everyday Conflicts: Mexico 1750-1856.« 117th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Chicago 2003. [Info] Löbcke, Konrad. »"Si Lucretia es, Tarquinium invenisti." Sexuelle Gewalt in Petrons Satyrica und in der antiken Komödie.« Vis omnia vincit? Neue Perspektiven zur Gewalt in der griechisch-römischen Antike Hamburg 2021. [Info] Loch, Ulrike. »Tradierung der nationalsozialistischen Familiengeschichte in der Lebensgeschichte von Frauen, die sexuelle Gewalt erlebt haben.« Lecture / Zentrum für Psychotraumatologie Kassel. Kassel 2002. [Info] Loch, Ulrike. »Sexualisierte Gewalt und Nationalsozialismus.« Lecture / DGB-Haus. Göttingen 2005. [Info] Lochric, Karma. »The Rape of Holofernes in Judith.« 26th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1991. [Info] Lockey, Brian C. »From Lucrece to Cymbeline: The Transnational Foundations of Shakespeare's Porous Commonwealth.« 66th Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America. Philadelphia 2020. [Info] Loentz, Elisabeth. »Freud and Breuer's 'Anna O.' (Bertha Pappenheim) in the Brothel: A Jewish Feminist's Crusade Against White Slavery and Prostitution.« Twenty-Sixth Annual Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2002. [Info] Longo, Philip. »Sexual Violence in James Baldwin's Another Country.« 39th Convention of the Northeast Modern Language Association. Buffalo 2008. [Info] Lorenz, Katherine, et al. »An Examination of Unfounded, Cleared, and Exceptionally Cleared Sexual Assault Case Outcomes from 1999-2014.« 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2019. [Info] Lorenz, Maren. »Der Wandel der juristischen Definition sexueller Gewalt unter dem Einfluß von Gerichtsmedizin und Anatomie seit der frühen Neuzeit.« Lecture / Universität Bielefeld. Bielefeld 2000. [Info] Lorenz, Maren. »Die Thematisierung und Nicht-Thematisierung sexueller Gewalt in der schwedischen Armee des 17. Jahrhunderts.« Les violences sexuelles: approches historiques (XVIe-XXIe siècle) - Sexuelle Gewalt und Geschichtswissenschaft (16.-21. Jahrhundert). Paris 2008. [Info] Lozensky, Christopher. »No Escape: (Re)Producing Urban Rape Space in the Hostel Films.« 56th Annual Convention of the Midwest Modern Language Association. Detroit 2014. [Info] Lubey, Kathleen. »The Forms of Clarissa's Rape.« 15th Annual Meeting of Group for Early Modern Cultural Studies. Philadelphia 2008. [Info] Lubey, Kathleen. »Rape's Compass.« 48th ASECS Annual Meeting. Minneapolis 2017. [Info] Lubey, Kathleen. »Response.« 2019 MLA Annual Convention. Chicago 2019. [Info] Lueger-Schuster, Brigitte. »Wartime Rape: Influence on Current Mental Health in a Sample of Elderly Austrians.« V World Congress on Traumatic Stress. Mexico City 2012. [Info] Lugowski, David. »Crossing One More River: From Marital Rape to Queer Authorship.« 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Seattle 2014. [Info] Lui, Mary. »Saving Young Girls from Chinatown: White Slavery and Women's Suffrage, 1910-1920.« 99th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Washington, D.C. 2006. [Info] Lussier, Patrick, et al. »Examining Sexual Assault Trends in Canada: The Impact of Rape Law Reform Over Three Decades.« 68th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Chicago 2012. [Info] Lusvarghi, Marcello. »The rape of a sanctimonialis: An historical overview through the texts of Augustine of Hippo.« Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017. [Info] Lynch, Suzanne. »Consent and Non-Consent in Greek Tragedy.« The Classical Association Annual Conference. Swansea 2020. [Info] Lynch, Suzanne. »Rape Culture and the Language of Sexual Violence in Ancient Greece.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022. [Info] Lynn, Emma. »All That Glitters is Not Diamonds: Quasi-Color Consciousness and Sexual Violence in Netflix's Bridgerton.« Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema & Media Studies . Denver 2023. [Info] Lytle, Angela. »Intersectional Discrimination, Systemic Oppression, & the Politics of Trauma: Japanese Military Sexual Slavery is Not 'Just an Historic Issue'.« The "Comfort Women" and Contemporary Forms of Sexual Violence Against Women. Vancouver 2014. [Info] Lytle, Angela, et al. »Interview with Angela Lytle on the comfort women of Japan.« Feminist Current. rabble podcast network 2014. |